Black Hat SEO Archives - SEOCZAR Knock Your Success Fri, 11 Oct 2019 11:57:11 +0000 en hourly 1 Types of SEO: Best Excel with Seoczar Fri, 20 Sep 2019 09:17:23 +0000 In search engine marketing SEM, the type of SEO technique also matters to rank in any search engine. Broadly SEO follows two ways that are off-page and on-page SEO techniques. This is the general strategy applies in SEM. Besides, search engine optimization has 3 types-White hats, Black hat, and Grey Hat SEO. Categories are divided
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The post Types of SEO: Best Excel with Seoczar appeared first on SEOCZAR.

In search engine marketing SEM, the type of SEO technique also matters to rank in any search engine. Broadly SEO follows two ways that are off-page and on-page SEO techniques. This is the general strategy applies in SEM. Besides, search engine optimization has 3 types-White hats, Black hat, and Grey Hat SEO.

Categories are divided according to the search engine algorithm. Moving forward on the topic. First, we will discuss what is SEO and How it works.

What Is SEO And How It works

According to experts- SEO is a technique that includes editing of a website to make it visible in Search engines. These efforts are done to bring a website top in the search engine. And once your website is ranked higher in a search engine you automatically get clicks and impressions.

A successful SEO strategy works to get a huge amount of organic traffic that can utilize in many ways. For example revenue generation with a relevant affiliate link, Adsense, etc.

But how you are generating organic traffic on your website matters. As discussed before SEO have 3 types and they are categorized according to its credibility of techniques. Let’s have a brief about the type of SEO-

Types Of SEO-Recently Known

White Hat SEO|Black Hat SEO|Grey Hat SEO

As said before there are three types of SEO white, black and gray Hat. Let see how they are different from each other.

White Hat SEO

Simply, White Hat SEO is defined as the SEO techniques executed in accordance with the search engine algorithm.  White SEO techniques include both off-page and on-page techniques.

For example, a website is optimized focused on relevancy and organic ranking than it is optimized using a White Hat SEO strategy.

White Hat SEO strategy includes-

White Hat SEO strategy includes

  • Unique and Quality content– Just to publish content writers give copy content or spin content which is against search engine algorithm. In white SEO techniques, all content published on a website is unique and plagiarism free.
  • Relevant Backlinks– Backlinks plays an equal role in A search engine as of content. All search engines understand the quality of links. Backlinks created from irrelevance sites damage your SEO strategy. So, in White Hat SEO, all the links are created from the most relevance site.
  • Keyword Research– Keywords are the queries search on search engines by the viewers. And content is publishe to justify those queries. In white hat, all content on a website is well researched and justifies a query searched on search engines.
  • Audience focused optimization Of website– A website is created for viewers and if the viewer is not happy with your site than its waste. In white SEO techniques viewers the site is optimized according to user experience. Not just to show in search engines. Because the search engine algorithm is designed to justify the user’s intent.
  • Mobile-friendly website- Mobile friendly website improve the local result. Because the mobile user is using the search engine more frequently rather than desktop users. Even search engine gives priority to mobile-friendly sites.
  • Competitor Analysis– A positive Analysis of your competitor’s site ranking in search engines. It requires had a comparison and does changes in SEO strategy accordingly.

Moving on another type of SEO that is White Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO

The name of Black Hat SEO inspires with western movies. Where the black hat use to distinguish bad boys. Black hat optimization is kind of the same thing.  Basically, Black Hat SEO work against the search engine algorithm.

We can say Black Hat SEO is the technique use for the instant ranking of a website.  But now the search engine is not considering black hat techniques. Because it is against the search engine intent.

Black Hat SEOBlack Hat SEO strategy includes:-

  1. Keyword Stuffing– To much use of keywords in content is called keyword stuffing. Every Search engine marks keyword stuffing. Previously it works in search engine ranking. But now a day it eliminated and mark as spamming. Keyword stuffing is the most used technique in Black Hat SEO.
  2. Hidden Text and Links– In this technique text and links font color is set the same as a background color because a viewer can’t see the links. But the links in count backlinks. These types of techniques are excluded from Search engine optimization.
  3. Content Scams– Content scams include- Copied content, automation of content, cloaking, article spinning, etc.. All these techniques come in the content scam.
  4. Link Manipulation– To create a large number of links, Backlinks are created from irrelevance sites. The techniques used are guest post spamming, paid Links, exchange links in the large amounts, blog commenting just the sake of links, spammy links in footer fo a website.
  5. Website over-optimization– This includes Alt description over-optimization.  Every image has a space call Alt description where you describe an image. Excessive use of keywords in that is over-optimization.
  6. Paid likes, subscribes, and reviews– To promote a website besides doing quality work, people pay for likes and reviews. All this stuff is against the search engine algorithm. And techniques in count in Black Hat SEO.

Black Hat SEO is mostly against search engine ranking guidelines that may work instantly but at a time where the search engine identifies the black hat tricks. It gets your site down in ranking and it will be hard to recover the website. Also, As a strict action search engines can penalize your site.

Last but not least- next is Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO is a topic of debate in search engine optimization. Gray Hat SEO is never a mixture of white and Black Hat SEO. Gray hat SEO Techniques include second step optimization of any website that is done to improve a website’s ranking.

Moreover, it is difficult to define Grey Hat SEO in words but it is more clear after discussing the grey hat techniques.

Grey Hat SEO Techniques-

Grey Hat SEO


  1. Improve content– Adding length to your old content with the relevant keyword information.  If your topic had a competition and the content is of only 1000 words. It might possible the content doesn’t work for ranking. Adding length to content comes in the Grey Hat SEO technique.
  2. Purchase expired domain-Take an expired domain improves your backlinks. This one of the popular Grey Hat SEO techniques.
  3. Private Blogging Network(PBN)– When you are using PBN and creating links from nonrelevant blogs than the techniques are black hat otherwise it lies in the Grey Hat SEO technique. Means if you creating links with relevant blogging network than its grey hat technique.
  4. Use of Keyword density– When you adding a relevant keyword in natural ways- It comes is the Grey hat technique.
  5. Several Social media Account– Using well maintained and different social media account for content sharing counts is Grey Hat an SEO.

These are the top 5 Grey Hat SEO techniques.


We have discussed all 3 types of SEO. Now the difference is clear. But one question is which technique should be used in search engine optimization.

White Hat SEO techniques are best to use. Because it follows the search engine algorithm and will work for long. Black Hat SEO technique may harm your website in many ways like penalties, sudden down in ranking, etc.

Grey Hat SEO is not completely wrong but excessive use of grey hat techniques may cause a problem for your website.

On a final note, White Hat is the right type of SEO that should use for optimization of a website.

The post Types of SEO: Best Excel with Seoczar appeared first on SEOCZAR.

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Black Hat SEO Technique-You Should Avoid On Your Website Sat, 19 Aug 2017 12:54:14 +0000 Search engine optimization is divided into category one of the type of SEO is black-hat SEO. There was a time black hat SEO is in demand. But a while ago, Google has disapproved of all the black hat techniques. As an owner of a website and had no resemblance with SEO technique how you will
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The post Black Hat SEO Technique-You Should Avoid On Your Website appeared first on SEOCZAR.

Search engine optimization is divided into category one of the type of SEO is black-hat SEO. There was a time black hat SEO is in demand. But a while ago, Google has disapproved of all the black hat techniques. As an owner of a website and had no resemblance with SEO technique how you will find out are you trapped with black hat SEO or not and technique you should use to avoid black hat SEO.

Here we are with 5 black hat SEO strategies which one should avoid on his/her website. However, if you are new to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies then, you are at the right place.

In simple words, SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” This is the process or practice of improving the website or web page ranking on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page,) naturally or organically.

However, Black Hat SEO is a strategy where your entire efforts are disapproved of. Needless to say! SEO is formed of three techniques White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO, and Grey Hat SEO. The purpose of these strategies is to increase page ranking within a search engine.

Thus, this is what we are elaborating on here! Keep reading…

List of Black Hat SEO Technique You Should Avoid

The strategies of black hat SEO you should avoid are as follows:-

1. Article Spinning

Article spinning has become a very popular trend nowadays. Now, a question arrives what and how the article spinning is done? Quite easy! Article spinning is the changing of articles and it is done by taking one article and changing a few things so that it becomes a different article.

However, these articles are created for the search engine and not for human beings as they are not readable.

Whereas, spinning means to change the layout of the content, its order, and also the title. When the articles are modified they are not detected by any plagiarism tool. Very often, such articles don’t get ranked.

In case, Google penalizes such articles and even the entire website which publishes such articles. The content is repetitive and is written very poorly and the visitor gives it a poor rank. Google’s Panda and Penguin updates were designed to punish such sites that do this type of practice.

The other option is to employ writers who write good and unique content which provides good backlinks and is considered good for SEO purposes.

2. Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing means using the same type of keywords again and again on one page so that it gets more visibility from the users and its organic traffic increases.

The content which has keywords stuffing doesn’t look natural and so they are not user-friendly. However, keyword density which is regarded favorably and is considered best is between 2 to 3%.

Whereas, this results in grammatically incorrect or even unreadable pages. Website Optimization Grader can detect keyword stuffing on the page and warns about the consequences. Search engines usually recognize the keyword stuffing and they lower the ranks of websites that usually do this kind of practice.

For example, if it is written “The best web design company New Delhi, India. Website design company in Delhi needs to be the best web design company in New Delhi, India. You want the best web design company in New Delhi.

As there is almost no content in that copy, there was a chance that in the past, the page could have got a high ranking as many times the key phrase “Best web design company in Delhi” was used. But it will not work for a long time.

3. Spam Comments

Comment Spamming means to write comments on blogs and websites and providing backlinks to one’s website. Spam comments are normally meant to create free backlinks.

However, links gained in this way are 100% no-follow and transfer no ranking power which makes this a waste. It is the most popular black hat practices. Often, it is not done manually.

Whereas, there are many tools available to show some spam comments on the Web. If some of the blogs are written on the website and it open for commenting then it is sure that the writer can get spam comments and that thing leaves a negative impression on the users and the blog quality gets lowered.

So it is better to prevent those spam comments. Thus, the comments which are valuable does not lose its value and the users comment accordingly.

4. Cloaking

Cloaking is a technique in which SEO practitioners code their web pages and sites like, crawlers see one version, and the users see its another version.

Often, the users who are web crawlers are served keyword and meta tag or description stuffed content while all others are served human-friendly content. In this technique, two versions of a page are created when only one should be created.

However, by redirecting visitors to a different IP address than search engines, the content on the present page is changed depending on the audience it is brought to. Whereas, the content on such a page shows the search engines to rank them for their targeted keywords.

But in reality, the users which they see don’t show those keywords which are targeted.

5. Hidden Text

This is similar to cloaking!

Normally in this technique, the text that is shown is not visible and not readable.

SEO practitioners can hide links or text to increase keyword density on a page or if they want to improve the internal link structure.

Crawlers usually consider hidden text spam just as with cloaking hidden text can be used to highlight text which is coded in JavaScript or Flash and is not readable usually ignored by most search engines.

6. Buying Link in Bulk

Links are a very important part of SEO. Search engine gives priority to the number of links. But it also considers how you are creating link. Buying bulk of link at a time is a black hat SEO technique. Search engine check for the authentication of links a site has. Once a search engine notice such activity like buying of link then it may rank down your site in search engine.

You should avoid buy of link. Try to make genuine links with other sites that relevant to your category.

7. Misleading Redirects

Misleading redirects is one of the most used techniques in black hat SEO. The techniques are used you mislead the audience to another content where a recruiter wants the traffic but the audience may or may not relate. This kind of misleading doesn’t fulfill the user intent of asking a query.

Search engine algorithm is designed to full fill the user intend if you are misleading the audience you will be out from the search engine. So must avoid misleading redirect black hat technique.


Basically, the black hat SEO technique is use to trick the search engine algorithm. But now search engines are updated. It will not allow any kind of activity that manipulates the search engine and affects its credibility.

Here, in this blog, we have discussed 5 black hat SEO strategies you should avoid on your website.

Often we concluded its layout, its definition, and the strategies for the same in detail. They do add value to any blog post. And, this leads to the end of the blog.

We hope this blog helped you. However, if you found the blog useful, do not forget to use the comment section provided below. Also, share the blog with your peers. You are on your way to getting more exposure.

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