Twitter Archives - SEOCZAR Knock Your Success Tue, 09 Jul 2019 12:57:55 +0000 en hourly 1 Ultimate Guide on How to Use Twitter for Business in 2018 Fri, 03 Nov 2017 09:57:21 +0000 Social media is a great platform to start online marketing. But how it turns into a business profit social media. For the fact, we have gathered a ton of information on How to use twitter for business in 2019. Well, if you’re disappointed with the amount of traffic. Which you get from Twitter and other
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The post Ultimate Guide on How to Use Twitter for Business in 2018 appeared first on SEOCZAR.

Social media is a great platform to start online marketing. But how it turns into a business profit social media. For the fact, we have gathered a ton of information on How to use twitter for business in 2019. Well, if you’re disappointed with the amount of traffic. Which you get from Twitter and other social media then you are not alone.

Very often, it has more than 328 million users. And from these users, a lot of business owners say that they only get a trickle from Twitter. Thus, if you have tried marketing your business on Twitter. But you haven’t been getting the results which you want. Then, keep reading!

Thus, this is what we are elaborating here! Let’s get cracked…

What is Twitter?

In the vast world of social media, if Facebook is your room, a blog is your database storage, and Linkdln is your workplace. Then Twitter is your main door to social media.

“Twitter is where people discover what is happening.”

In other words, It is a place to reach out to new friends. And invite them to your room through other social connections. Often, it is more like a bucket full of information and a platform to keep you updated.

Whereas, you may tweet and make everyone updated with your information. Now, the point comes What to Tweet? Quite easy, the very first thing you need to do is, plan what you are going to tweet.

After that, ask yourself do you want to find new customers? Or do you want to make new contacts in your industry? Hence, after knowing who is your audience. You just need to deliver value to them with your tweets.

Delivering your values you need to analyze them, which is as follows:

Twitter analytics

Well, it provides analytics for your tweets. So that you can see how people are reacting to them.

However, you can find your Twitter’s analytics account by clicking on your account icon. And by selecting Analytics from the menu option. Where you will see a summary of the last 28 days.

Well, if you want to boost your Twitter account then you need to engage with the top followers, retweet your most popular tweets, and much more. Often, you can only work with it by using a Twitter list, listen to your market, use the advanced search, etc.

Often, you may get more followers by joining the conversation with most popular Hashtags, by finding trend topics, by using a right tag, and often by tweeting live from industry events.

Now, the time to move through the Twitter Tools. Let’s get cracked!

Twitter tools

There are hundreds of tools in the market that can help you with all aspects of running your Twitter account, post scheduling from the dashboard, finding influential users, following and unfollowing and much more.

Tools for the same are as follows:

  • Buffer.
  • HootSuite.
  • TweetDeck.
  • Social Jukebox.
  • IFTTT.
  • Tweepi.
  • Tweriod.
  • ManageFlitter.

Now, by looking at the tools and much more. We contribute towards the business, which itself raise some of the questions as: Do Twitter still works for businesses, should you invest time in it, etc.

Well, the answer is quite easy, Twitter is far from dead. Hence, to get more from it, we just need to follow some of the tips which are as follows:

Twitter tips to get more

Following are the best tips to get more from it. You just need to work with them and unfortunately, you will be succeeding in your business world.

Now, let’s get cracked!

1. Work along with Twitter’s Algorithm

When Twitter switched the way, it shows the feed in reverse chronological order. So that there is a greater chance of looking after them. However, the change was, in fact, a gift in disguise.

Twitter’s algorithms inevitably reward those brands who really share content to their audience. Which is an actual wish to see and to get engaged? Often, If followers are continuously engaging with your tweets.

Then, you are more likely to show up in their feed, even when they open their app for the first time.

2. Scale the unscalable

Well, the only reason people do not engage with your content is not always that they do not like what you are tweeting.

It could be that they did not see it. Very often, it is a simple issue to fix out.

However, the original draws of Twitter were the ability to reach the public with a tweet. Here’s how to deal with it.

Instead of looking bullhorn at Twitter, think of it more like a phone. Hence, you have the ability to communicate with all your contacts at once, else you may contact them individually. So, use Twitter to reach out to people directly nor like a broadcast.

Even, use Twitter videos to communicate, which helps to engage easily. And another fine tip is to tweet more frequently in no time, make reliable, flexible tweets, etc. Consequently, try to do something new and find your customers as well.

3. Organize whom you follow with lists

You need to follow lots of the people on twitter for a business reason like suppliers, neighboring businesses, customers, and competitors. However, a number of people you follow grow, so does the noise increase on your tweet.

Its harder to hear important messages from all the others. Hence, what to do, so that you don’t miss anything important? The answer is, Use Twitter lists.

These lists are the most powerful and least-used feature. These lists allow you to group important person you follow. Thus, you can make separate lists as:

  • Social media teachers.
  • Your industry people.
  • Your customers.
  • People in professional organizations.

By making the Twitter lists, you can target tweets from the groups of the people. And decide when you want to see them, so tweets from the important people will not be lost from you.

4. Add a Twitter widget to your website

You get the advantage when you add the twitter widget on your website. Through every visitors who visit your website will know that you are also active on social media.

5. Apply for verification

Verification can add to the business’s credibility. However, If the brand is not automatically given a checkmark. Then, you may apply on behalf of your business.

Well, for that Twitter has opened an opportunity to apply for the verification status. Very often, some of the requirement is needed for the verification, which is as follows:

  • Your verified phone number.
  • Confirmed email address.
  • A bio.
  • Profile photo.
  • Header photo.
  • A website.
  • Tweets set as public in Tweet privacy settings.

However, If the profile request is rejected. Then you must wait thirty days before submitting the next application to review it.

6. Add the profile details

So you have set up the Twitter account and followed new people–now what?

This is the time to use some flair to your account. Simply click the “Edit profile” on the right side of the screen below the header on your profile. First, you need to upload two different sizes of your photo on your profile:

  • Twitter header image.
  • And twitter profile picture.

Your profile should be that’s clear and distinguishable even as a small icon. It does not hurt to upload the larger image, but the Twitter will shrink it down to the size. As for the Twitter header photo, you will have much more room.

So, pick something visually striking. All the top businesses that operate on Twitter use appealing photos to engage the readers in their profile.

7. Create a landing page

If you have any problems with only having the 160 characters of twitter bio, then consider the special Twitter landing page.

Most of the people using their Twitter profile web link to drop the people off at their site front door. But here you may create the special Twitter landing page and use that page as your profile web address.

Your landing page could include the following key points.

  • Your personal message.
  • How to become a customer.
  • People behind your twitter account.
  • Details about the business products and the services.
  • What you tweet about.

Here, you have more space. Hence, keep the landing page short and to the point to make a great impression on your visitors.


Here, in this blog, we have illustrated an Ultimate Guide on How to Use Twitter for Business in 2018.

Often we concluded its layout, its definition, and its analytics, its tools, and tips to get more in details. They do add value to any blog post. And, this leads to the end of the blog.

We hope this blog helped you. However, if you found the blog useful, do not forget to use the comment section provided below. Also, share the blog with your peers. You are on your way to getting more exposure.

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The post Ultimate Guide on How to Use Twitter for Business in 2018 appeared first on SEOCZAR.

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