Google Ranking Archives - SEOCZAR Knock Your Success Thu, 26 Sep 2019 07:07:16 +0000 en hourly 1 65+ Google Ranking Factors [Updated 2019] Thu, 20 Jun 2019 11:36:15 +0000 Googling queries are the trend of today’s lifestyle. And Google ranking is the need for a website to grow online. Google is a major search engine in today’s time. According to Google search statistics, every second Google has about 63000 of average searches and every search has millions of results. This shows how people are dependent
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The post 65+ Google Ranking Factors [Updated 2019] appeared first on SEOCZAR.

Googling queries are the trend of today’s lifestyle. And Google ranking is the need for a website to grow online.

Google is a major search engine in today’s time. According to Google search statistics, every second Google has about 63000 of average searches and every search has millions of results. This shows how people are dependent on Google for their regular questions. Ans this makes bloggers and service providers compete to be in their search results. For that, they need Google ranking factors that justify Google algorithm.

Every search engine has its own algorithm that decides the factors of ranking. Among all search engines, Google has the best algorithm because of that it gives the most relevant result for a query. That’s why it is a trusted search engine by users. You must rank in Google for better sales, viewers, and customers.

Having an online presence is not enough to rank in Google or in any other search engine. There are certain factors that make you rank in a search engine you can use these factors for search engine optimization. As Google is the most trusted search engine so, here we talk about the Google ranking factors in 2019. Here we go-

Google Ranking Factor 2019

Google is updating its algorithm since it is launched. As of this year, Google has been updated its algorithm twice. That’s why Google ranking factors are updated in 2019. Here is the list-

Let’s have a brief on Google ranking factors for 2019.

Content factor

content factor: google ranking factor

Content is an expressive way to promote a brand, provide information and connect with the user intent. After the ‘Panda’ update of Google in 2011, content plays an important role. Here we discuss how content related factor improve in Google search engine ranking.-

1. Quality of Content

Content is still the king in search engine ranking. Google gives ranking to high-quality content. Here high-quality means the content should be free from grammatical error & spelling mistakes, content should be engaging, informative and most important should justify the user’s intent. After the Panda update lots of websites gone through the Google penalty.

The reason is, Google tried hard to maintain a high-quality search engine for its viewers. That’s why it doesn’t want irrelevant sites with no valid information. As said before, Panda update follows good content or high-quality content that full fill the users intent and should be linkable

Google is very straightforward about the fact that if a user is not satisfied with your content then Google will not rank you high in search engines. Quality content is the first very important Google ranking factor. So as website owner its a responsibility to publish quality and informative content.

2. Content length

Google give priority informative content. More information you put in content rank higher in search engines. Other than this a unique topic with quality information but fewer words also rank higher in search engines.

In the year 2018, content with word limit 600-800 is easily rank in search engines. But as competition is increased Google considers the length of content. That consideration is started with 2000-2200 words.

The word limit of content also depends on the topic you want to answer through that content. For example, you select a broad topic like digital marketing, this topic can contain huge information like definition, categories, activities, techniques, strategy, etc. In such case length of content matters.

But if you select a short topic like define digital marketing than you can answer this query in limited words. Take the reference of the top 5 results of Query ‘Digital marketing’ the length of the content of the top 5 results is-

  • #1-4581
  • #2-3475
  • #3-2409
  • #4-1777
  • #5-861

This data shows that Google gives priority to the length of content.

But in many cases to the point answer is required. In that case, content length doest matter only key point information is enough.

3. Content Updates

Google sees how often you are publishing new content on your site. And if you are updating your old published content or not.

Google use this factor to determine if your site is still alive. And provide a lot of credit to that site which publishes the articles frequently. Often, the Google has started to highlight the published date.

4. Duplicate Content

When content is published in more than one place then it is duplicate content even if it is on the same website. Google penalizes the site with duplicate content. The fact is, Google encourages fresh and unique content. If a website is not sharing fresh content than it will not rank in Google.

So, publish unique information with different perspectives. This makes your content more appreciable and Google friendly.

5. Latest published content

Google gives priority to the latest published content. Especially time-sensitive queries.  Like the latest movie, latest technology, cricket, festivals, etc.. So. most recent information on such a topic can help you to rank in Google search engine.

6. Table of content

A linked table of contents makes your content more structured and easy to understand for the user as well as a search engine like Google. To add a table of contents that clearly describes whatever you covered in your content.

7. Bullets And Numbered Lists

Bullets and numbered list should be in order to organize your content.

However, you may also use them without any order. But they should be used within your content. Hence, having bullets and numbered list helps the user to interact with your content in a better manner.

They often make your content more user-friendly and Google clearly prefers only those contents which are well organized.

8. Autogenerated content

Google hates autogenerated content and it also against Google Panda update. If your content is auto-generated than it may ranks down in Google ranking.

Domain factor

Domain Google ranking factor

A domain is the identity of a brand, service, organization or a business on the world wide web. And to rank in Google search engine ranking it is a factor that influences the Google ranking. Here we will see how domain factors influence Google’s ranking.

9. Domain age

“Old is Gold”. An old domain which is actively working for a long time is noticed by Google and it gives importance in the ranking. It a sign, that the domain has trust that’s why it running so long.

Content is published from a 10-year-old domain and the same topic of content is published with a 5-year-old domain than the 10-year-old domain is get the priority.

Still, a 5-year-old domain publishing some latest updates will rank higher.

10. Domain authority

Domain authority is a Moz tool measurement, but Google counts this. Higher the domain authority, higher the chances of ranking in Google. So, to rank higher in the Google search engine try to increase domain authority.

11. Domain registration period

Domain registration length means the duration for which a domain is registered. There is a number of the domain that is registered for a few years. So, the date of expiry of the domain also a factor for Google ranking. Comparatively, a domain registered for a year only and another is for 5 years than Google gives priority to the domain registered for 5 years.

12.  Domain History

Tell Google to reset domain history. A domain that switched multiple ownership also gone through with ups and down in Google ranking. There is also a probability that the domain is carrying the Google penalty to the new owner of that domain. This may become the reason for not ranking in Google. So, if you buy an old domain then reset history for that domain.

13. Domain Extension

Domain extension including a particular location like .in, .uk, .us. helps to rank higher in Google. The reason is simple, for global ranking, competition is high while you want to rank in a particular location competition range is lower and comparatively, you a faster and higher in that location.

Keyword Factor

Keyword-Google ranking Factor

Keywords are a word or phrase that is searched in a search engine by the users to get an answer. That answer can be a service, product, information, etc. These keywords are an important factor for Google search ranking. Now we discuss other factors related to Keywords.

As of- Google Hummingbird update focuses beyond keyword. This algorithm of Google work to understand the intent of a query.

14. Keyword in Domain

A relevant keyword in the domain is counted by Google. It makes more relevance with the content and services you provide by using the name of the domain.

For example, a domain name is and its website provides car services then the chances of ranking on car service keyword will be high for such domain.

Similarly, if a domain contains the target keyword than the chances of ranking Google search engine will be higher.

15. Keyword in the title tag

Title tag is the title of your content that appears in the search engine. Title tag with targeted keywords helps it rank higher in the Google search engine. It also matters where you are placing your keyword in the Title tag. For Google ranking try to add a keyword at the beginning of the title tag. This will help to rank in Google.

16. Keyword in meta description

Meta description is a short summary of the content that appears in the search results under the title tag. By adding targeting keyword in the description you can expect to a higher rank in the search engine. In meta description, you can add 2-3 keyword that is relevant to your topic. Also, make this description attractive to readers.

17. Keyword density

Keyword density is a very important Google ranking factor. How many times a keyword is repeated on a web page or in a piece of content is called keyword density or keyword frequency. This ratio is set for every content. The keyword density for any web page is about 2-3% of that content.

Here keyword density is decided by the focus keyword of the content. If it goes higher than the decides scale then it is counted as keyword stuffing which harms Google ranking.

18. LSI keyword in the content

LSI keyword is Latent Semantic Indexing keywords. These keyword helps to extract the meaning of the query. In other words, the LSI keyword helps the search engine to understand the intent of a query. And that makes it an important factor for Google search ranking.

Use of LSI keyword in title and description add ons to your Google ranking strategy. Because it helps to understand the intent of a keyword that satisfies the Google algorithm to an extent.

19. Brand and Keyword

User does search queries with brand names like ‘Titan exclusive watches’. This shows users trust in a brand. Google also trusts such brands and rank them higher in the search result.

20. Prominence of Keywords

Put the keyword out in the first 100 words of the content of your blog.

Hence, using the keyword so will increase the strength of your content. And Google only prefers the strong and relevant content. Often, it is a significant relevancy signal that you use the keyword in the first paragraph of your content.

21. Order of Keywords

As we all know that keyword research is very important. Hence, keeping the keywords in the same order, and itself the content promises better ranking to your website.

Mobile-friendly website Factor

Mobile friendly website Google ranking factor

Almost 80% of the searches on Google are done by mobile phones. After the Mobilegeddon update of April 2015, Google gives importance to mobile-friendly websites. Let’s see all mobile related Google ranking factors.

22. Mobile Page Speed

Mobile speed factor is how much time a website takes to load in mobile devices. As the mobile user increased, Google starts giving priority to mobile page speed and a mobile page speed update is also done on July 9, 2018.

A fast loading site in mobile devices is more accepted by users and has higher chances of ranking in search engines. So, when a website is optimized it should also be optimized according to mobile devices to rank in Google.

23. Mobile responsive site

A mobile responsive site means sites should be equally responsive as on desktop. If the users are very well engaged with the responsiveness of a website than Google marks such sites to rank in search engines. So, the mobile responsiveness of a website is an important factor in search engine ranking.

24. Accelerated mobile pages(AMP)

AMP mobile pages are fast-loading mobile pages that increase the user experience in mobile devices. It’s not a direct factor but it is required to rank in Google News Carousel mobile version. That’s why it is a factor for Google search ranking.

25. Mobile usability

If a website is easy to use on mobile devices. And users are frequently using that website then Google mark such site and give priority in the ranking. Also, the mobile usability of the website is a requirement of the present time due to an active user. So this is a markable Google ranking factor because of the Mobile-First Index rule.

26. Interstitial Popups

Interstitial Popups are splash ads that appear on screen to navigate the user on another page.

Mobile device users are the most active internet users they explore and search for everything on the internet. These interstitial popups give the worst experience to mobile users. And this kind of popups in mobiles is noticed by search engine crawlers. This may affect your Google ranking. So, such interstitial popups is a factor that influences your Google ranking.

Backlinks google ranking factor

Backlinks have a simple definition. Link from external website navigated to your web page are backlinks.  A backlink network is important for the online image. But it should have quality. After Google Penguin update, lots of sites suffered from Google penalty just because of the Backlink factor. Let’s see other related factors of backlinks.

27. Relevant backlinks

Google considers relevant referral links from high authority sites. If your sites have backlinks from high domain authority site ad relevant to your topic of content than such links are counted as quality backlinks. And Google gives priority to sites that have a bundle of quality links. So, to rank higher in Google search engine built relevant backlinks.

28. Backlinks from old sites

Backlinks from an old website or domain, build trust on your website. And such referral links add quality to your backlink support. Google considers individual referral links from old domains. Every link will add to your Google ranking. So, if you’re working on the backlink, then also focus on the old domain or website.

29. Backlinks from high authority sites

Domain authority takes time to build and referral links from such sites add to your website image. High authority sites mean the website had already built trust and image on the internet if your website is linking to such sites it adds to your backlink profile. As mature is your backlink profile higher is the chances of ranking in the Google search engine.

30. Backlinks Age

Google ranking algorithm marks the old backlinks on a website. Old is the backlink higher is the chances of ranking in Google search engine. The old link is the sigh of the loyalty of a website. So, whenever you are creating a backlink make sure it stays for a long duration. Because the link stays for a short time damages the online profile of your website. Hence backlink age is an important Google ranking factor.

31. Natural backlink profile

It has been observed that website owners buy backlinks for their websites. Those are not naturally created. Such links increase the spamming scale of a website. And after Google Penguin update spamming links are the reason for Google penalty.

So, considering the natural backlink Google ranking factor, build the best backlinks from natural sources. One of the natural ways to create backlink is guest posting and press release. Guest posting is an off page activity. Google highly considers referral links from guest posting and gives priority in Google search engine ranking.

32. ‘Do follow’ links

There are two types of referral links, ‘do follow’ and no follow the link. ‘Do follow’ links share authority and link juice to your website. While ‘No follow’ link doesn’t share any of them. Google gives priority to the ‘Do follow’ link.  A maximum number of do-follow link adds quality to your backlinks.

This benefits in Google ranking. So if you want to be higher in Google search engine ranking start collecting ‘Do follow’ links for your website.

Google has the latest update about links. It has introduced two new attributes also called rel=” sponsored” and rel=”ugc”.

rel=” sponsored”– This attribute used for links that created for advertisements, sponsorships or other compensation purposes

rel=”ugc”- Here UGC stands for user-generated content.  This attribute is used to differentiate user-generated content. Like in forum posting and blog commenting.

33. Number of backlinks

Quality and quantity both are equally important for the backlink profile of a website. Higher number of backlinks supporting a website rank higher in Google search engine.

For example, a website has 5000 thousand backlinks and another website has 10,000 backlinks. Google gives priority to the website that has 10,000 backlinks.

34. Backlinks Variety

As we all know that backlinks have the most SEO value in comparison to all other factors. Like the site containing 80% backlinks coming from the directories. Can raise a flag to Google that something is unnatural to your site.

Even someone is doing some sloppy SEO (Search Engine Optimization.) However, while building a link.

You need to make sure that you don’t overdo a method. Despite this, you need to be creative and even try to get different types of the backlinks that are violating Google’s guidelines.

35. Link from competitor

Every field of work has a competitor and when one is recommended by another competitor than the reputation changes. The same thing happens in backlinks. If you are getting a link from your competitor site this increases the trust of your website. And Google appreciates this trust and rank you higher in search engine.

36. Outbound links

Adding a reference outbound link in your website or outbound links that proves your work will add to your search ranking in Google search ranking. So always put a few outbound references on your website.

37. Affiliate Links

Google is not so font of affiliating links but owners add this for their earning. But too much of an affiliate link in one content or website can affect your Google search ranking.

38. Broken Links

A broken link is also one of the coolest ranking factor. Often, said that having too many broken links on your site can be a sign of neglect and may affect your SEO.

However, having few of the broken links on your website may not affect it. But if you do have too many broken links then it might be a trouble for you.

39. Backlinks IP location & TLD

Consider a very important factor, especially if you are doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for local and small business.

Like UK websites should have backlinks coming from other sites located in the UK. It will not make sense to get links from Russia, China or other parts of world websites.

However, often check both IP and TLD or domains that are connecting with you.

Site-Level Factors

Appearance and security of a website reflect on the Google ranking. Let’s have a look at related factors-

40. Secured site-SSL certificate

An unprotected, not secure website creates a security risk for users. Google wants to serve the best that why it gives priority to SSL certified sites in ranking. SSL certificate is file data that you add to your server to achieve an encrypted connection between server and browser.

This certificate is indicted in URL is letter ‘S’. So, the sites with https links have more chances to get ranked in search engines.

41. Site Architecture

A well-organized website is less complicated and that is easy to understand by Google, rank higher in search engines. The looks and appearance of a website make your website more engaging and the well-organized site helps Google to thematically manage your content. Such a website ranks faster in search engine ranking. This includes website design also. A well-designed website gets benefits in google ranking.

42. Website update

Regularly updating websites that are found active in a search engine will rank higher. A website publishing, managing, and editing content on regular bases Google remember them. This keeps you updated in your ranking and may rank you higher in search engines.

One of the most important ranking factors among all. Often says, adding new updates and removing unfortunate sections are more important than spinning around a few words.

Because freshness factors completely depend on the quality of the changes made on the blog posts and pages!

43. Website Maintenance and Site Uptime

Maintenance or server problems can affect your website ranking.

However, it completely depends on how long your website has been down in search engine. Being the most important ranking factor one has to keep a look at the site uptime.

During the maintenance of your website, you may lose your ranking in search engines. In website maintenance sites undergo server error due to which Google is not able to crawl the website content. If it remains for a long time then Google rank down the website. It may happen for a duration only after the maintenance is done you can rank again in search engine.

44. Server location

Server location influences the ranking in geographical location. Like if you are using the Indian server so may rank higher in India. Server location is also a Google ranking factor.

45. Website Speed

Your site must be loaded very fast, without any major delays to the users, both on mobile and desktop. However, website speed has been the ranking factor since 2010.

But there has been a renewed emphasis on it, mainly on the mobile. Why does Google like website speed? Virtually, it is because of we have a short attention span. As the web surfers, we expect sites to load fastly and will normally navigate away if they do not.

Google recognizes the things and as it is in their interest to help the people look which things they are looking for. Often, they encourage sites to make their websites load fast. They have made tools like the Page-Speed Insights to help to find speed bottlenecks.

Even, published the library of information and details on the speed best practices.

46. Responsive Design

A mobile site is better, but which thing Google really recommends is a use of the Responsive Website Design — a site that has one base of the code and design that responds to the user device size.

It goes too far as to say “The responsive design is Google’s preferred design pattern.”

However, Google’s recommended, responsive web design in the industry norm. And the best practice for developing sites that function well in the marketing industry.

Very often, It is faster, easy to maintain and permit you to emphasize the content which is really important for the users. Hence, all the websites we design are responsive and are built on the top of the Bootstrap Framework.

47. Sitemaps

Sitemap is an XML file that consists of all the pages of a website. Sitemap is submitted to Google to allow his crawler to read pages. This makes easy for  Google to index your website pages. If the sitemap is not submitted than Google bots will not crawl your website. Because of this, you may not rank in the Google search engine.

48. Privacy and terms & condition pages

Privacy and terms & condition pages of a website tell Google that the website is trustworthy. That improves the E.A.T factor (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness factor). When the E.A.T factor is improved your ranking also improves. So, to rank in Google search engine add the Privacy and T&C page on your website.

49. Breadcrumbs navigation

Breadcrumbs navigation is a secondary navigation scheme that shows the user’s location on a website. In other words in navigation technique to reveal the user location on a  website.

This type of navigation makes the website architecture better and also a website becomes more user-friendly. Every effort to make a user happy makes your rank higher in search engines. So breadcrumbs navigation is a Google ranking factor that helps a website to rank higher.

50.  Reviews Factor

How your website is a review on other sites, also makes important factor to rank in Google search engine. Reviews add ons in the trust factor of a website. More is your reviews from genuine profiles make your website more trustworthy and loyal. Google counts the trust factor a lot and gives a high ranking to most reviewed websites.

51. Image Factor

Quality images add quality to your content and your website. And Google gives priority to the quality of images and their optimization. Let’s see the image related Google ranking factor.

52. Image Alt tag

‘Alt’ tag is an alternative tag for images. It is a readable text for search engine bots that help to describe an image. Without this text, the search engine crawler is not able to find out what the image represents. For this, it is important to add an alt tag to all the images of your website.

If the images of a website are not containing an alt text than it affects Google search engine ranking.

53. Image results

When all the images of a website are optimized according to keywords than the chances of ranking that image is improved. When your image is ranking in the search engine then your content will also rank and this will improve the overall ranking of a website in Google search engine.

54. Image title & description

On SEO point, image title and description make an image more reliable and understandable for users and search engines. This can make high ranking in search engine.

55. Image Quality

High-resolution images that gave your content a nice appearance on any screen add-ons to your content quality. Google gives priority to quality images. So, the quality of the image can decide your Google search ranking.

Social media connectivity

Social media connectivity

According to a survey, there are about 3.02 billion monthly active users on social media. This number makes this social media an important Google ranking factor. Let’s see how it affect Google ranking.

56. Social media Account connected to a website

An active social media account with thousands of followers connected to a website has an impact on Google search rankings. Google works on too. A social media profile with thousands of followers and a few posts, Google will not give priority to such profiles.

In social connectivity, Google gives priority to a social media profile having an active post and quantity followers. So, you can say Google give priority in the ranking to genuine stuff, whether it is a website or a social media profile.

Also, social connectivity to a website build trust in the community and on the world wide web.

57. Website’s social media page

Website has active social media pages with lots and likes and review helps in Google ranking. Because the image of that page connected to your website makes your website more trustworthy.

The most trusted social media for page creation are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Reddit, etc. The official profile of your brand or website on these social media sites can give a bounce in your Google ranking.

User Interaction

User experience is the main concern in the Google search engine ranking. There are certain criteria that decide the user interaction with your website.

58. CTR of the website

Click through rate is a performance indicator of a web site. Higher the CTR represents better site is having a better user interaction which pays you back in Google search engine ranking. CTR also decides the quality score of a website.

The quality score is the Google rating of the keyword and PPC ads.

59. Ads Above The Fold

The Page Layout Algorithm checks if you have a number of ads above the fold.

Often, Google encourages the webmasters to create a good user experience. And needless to say, that is impossible to have the complete ads above the fold section.

Thus, if a visitor visits your website for the first time and finds the ads there then it might be a bad experience. Hence, you should consider removing some of them to avoid being penalized. Google said that they receive many complaints from frustrated users, who have claimed that they had to scroll through several ads to see the content.

60. Bounce rate

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that view your website and left the link an instant. A higher bounce rate shows a negative user experience. This affects Google search engine ranking.

Google is using a variety of methods to determine whether a visitor was happy with the search results or not.

However, a common method to do so is to see at the bounce rate of your site pages. And how long your visitors are staying on your blog posts and pages.

Often, Google can analyze your bounce rate and the average time of visitors per visit. The very first is to take the data directly from Google Analytics. And if you do not have analytics installed.

Then, go along with the second method as. Analyzing how long it takes to click the back button on the browser and return to the initial search query from your website.

61. Number of Sessions

The average session duration in Google analytics to be counted as of 30 seconds to 1 minute. More the number of the session shows a positive user interaction and impact on Google ranking.

62.  Direct traffic

Direct traffic can be generated with bots and that increase the bounce rate of your website. Which drop down your Google ranking.

Another reason for direct traffic because of the browser. Google uses data from Google Chrome to check the number of users visit a site. There is a history save of previous searches users open the same link without searching the same query again and again.

The direct traffic generated from the browser shows positive user interaction. And improves your Google ranking.

63. Repeat traffic

Repeated users on the website show a positive user experience. Google count this traffic to rank a website in its search result. And also give you priority for other queries also. So repeat traffic help you to rank higher in search engine.

64. Chrome Bookmarking

User bookmark pages for future reference in their Chrome browser. These bookmarking shows that the user found your website relevant and more understanding. Google takes reference of this data to give ranking in search engines.

65. Number of comments

A comment box is the best tool to start interacting with viewers. When a viewer leaves a comment that raising a query or appreciating your writing or anything else that compliments your content, Google gives priority to that content and website.

But only genuine comments are counted to boost Google search engine ranking.

66. Business address in Google

A business has its office location where it provides services. If the website has a business address and that is submitted to Google business listing then Google gives them priority in the search result and it may give priority to that website in its local search results. This makes a website genuine and trustworthy

So, Google business listing is also h factor to improve your ranking in the Google search engine.

67. “Contact us” and “About us” Pages

Anonymous website has never been liked by Google.

Thus, encourage webmaster to create contact us and about us pages for your website. Consequently, allow the users to connect with you in an easy manner.

Very often, If you do have an e-commerce website or SAS business. Then it is very important to create the terms & condition page for your website.

68. Take Voice Search Into Account

Put the voice search into your account because this is basically changing the platforms like Google to respond over it.

We do ask the question in different manners to the search engine and far more naturally with our voice. That’s why the web content wants to ready with the answers. Hence, you will need to concentrate over the things which are as follows:

  • Humanised Content: Structure your website pages and the blogs naturally and do not stuff them with the keywords.
  • FAQ Content: The quicker you may offer an answer, the quicker you will be found by the voice search.
  • Expanding Your Pay-Per-Click Keywords: How are your visitors likely to use the voice search to find you? Review your PPC keywords and add those terms.

Wrapping Up

Google is the most useful search engine by the users for all their personal and professional queries. Ranking in the Google search result is one of the Goals of internet marketing. Through this article, we make a way to reach your goal.

We pointed out all the Google ranking factor that helps you to rank higher in search queries.

Don’t forget to use the comment box.

The post 65+ Google Ranking Factors [Updated 2019] appeared first on SEOCZAR.

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15 Amazing Things That Do Not Affect Your Google Ranking Mon, 25 Sep 2017 10:22:48 +0000 Do you want to know the amazing things that do not affect your Google ranking? As we all know that Google uses so many different factors to the rank of any website. It doesn’t matter how accurate this number is. However, if you are willing to know the Google Ranking Factors. Then, feel free to
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The post 15 Amazing Things That Do Not Affect Your Google Ranking appeared first on SEOCZAR.

Do you want to know the amazing things that do not affect your Google ranking? As we all know that Google uses so many different factors to the rank of any website. It doesn’t matter how accurate this number is.

However, if you are willing to know the Google Ranking Factors. Then, feel free to move along with our blog on 50 Best Google Ranking Factors For Beginners.

Well, these factors do not directly affect search rankings, but, when combined with other on-page best practices, they work together to support the factors that Google relies on and your rankings will soar.

Thus, this is what we are elaborating here! Keep reading…

Things That Do Not Affect Your Google Ranking

Needless to say! If your site is not ranking, then it might have been penalized by Google. You need to recover it, however, if you are not very aware of how to recover it.

Then, feel free to move along with our blog on How To Recover Your Website From Google Algorithm Update. And what the things are which don’t affect your Google Ranking.

Following are the things that do not affect your Google Ranking.

1. Mentioning Keywords Several Times

Using a keyword in the title tag can affect your rankings. Recent data from Moz shows that a title tag that begins with a keyword tends to perform better than title tags.

Repeating keywords several times in your content is not a good SEO practice. The content length, readability, uniqueness, speed, and so on play an important role in the keyword density.

Many things have happened in the SEO world since then the Penguin update, the Pigeon, and the Hummingbird algorithm came. All of these Google updates and algorithm changes were for one thing: to deliver the most relevant, fresh, and useful content to the users.

Google cares about the users, not site owners. So mentioning keywords several times in your content will not help your search engine ranking. Google will penalize when you over-optimize your web page.

2. Stuffing Keywords In Your Image Alt Text

Keywords in your image alt text won’t directly affect your site ranking. Image alt text is important because of the impact which it has on your user’s experience. But it does not affect your search engine ranking.

Image alt text helps to resolve the image display issues. If the image doesn’t load properly, due to slow internet connection or browser issues, the alt text displays to illustrate the user what’s supposed to be there.

They use the same keywords or phrases with the hope that search performance can be improved. But there is a big difference. If the image does not display well then a user should know what to expect from the alt text in the image. That’s not for boosting organic search engine ranking but for providing a better experience for the user.

3. Knowledge Panel

Knowledge panel is illustrated around the web and sometimes provides the information from Wikipedia. What about the site links where the brand name is searched and you get branded site links?

The first few sets of results are all from your own website and they are all indented. Anyway, It does not have any impact on your ranking for a search query. It could be that showing up here means you are going to get many clicks, a higher share of those clicks, and it’s a good thing for you and your site.

It does not have any impact on your rankings for some totally unbranded query to your site. Normal sites build up links and knowledge panels as their brands become bigger. And as they are better known. Often, they get more coverage around the web, it doesn’t matter whether you are online or offline.

4. Using Schema Markup

Schema markup is a code that helps search engines to return the results for user searches. Since the markup is HTML code, you can use them to markup your pages.

So that search engine spiders understand your page in a better way. is the site who provides markup. The site came about when Google, Yahoo, Yandex, and Bing agreed that search results should be consistent across the search engines.

Once you add the Schema markup to your HTML, it may improve the way your page displays in the search engine results pages. By making the rich snippets more compelling and adding a Schema markup does not improve your site ranking.

Hence, we may say that it does not affect your Google ranking.

5. Title Element

The title of the page is in the header of a document and it is the brand name. After that, we face a separator, some words, and phrases of the brand name.

It does not matter if that separator is the pipe bar, a hyphen, a colon, or any other special character that you would like to use. Google does not care about it. Consequently, there is no need to worry about it.

This is a personal preference issue. It may be found that one of these characters has a slightly better click-through rate and preference than another one. However, we have not seen anyone broadly on the web. Some people say they particularly like the pipe over the hyphen. Thus, It does not matter too much.

6. Raw Bounce Rate or Time on Site

If you have time on site of a few minutes and you look at your industry averages. Then benchmarks by Google Analytics which you’ve opted into sharing will saw that the benchmarks of the industry are lower than average.

Well, It is not going to hurt you in Google web search. Often, It could be the case that visitors might be coming from somewhere else. It may be the case that you are actually serving up a faster-loading site and getting people to the information that they need quickly. So their time on site is lower or even their bounce rate is higher.

Hence, raw bounce rate, raw time on site does not matter and likewise, it does not affect your Google ranking.

7. Age Of Your Website

Google does not care whether your website is registered in 1995 or 2006 or 2017. They only care for the degree to which your content helps, your links, authority signals, etc.

Truthfully, there is a correlation going in this direction. If you started a site in 2000 and it is going strong till now, then chances are good that you have built up lots of links, authority, equity, and all those signals which Google cares about.

But if you just had few successful years and registered your site in 2015. Then, you might have built up all those same signals. Google will be going to reward that site, even more as it is built up with the same authority and is influenced in a very small period of time versus a much longer one.

8. Likes, Shares, Plus-Ones, Tweet Counts of Your Web Pages

If you have a Facebook account and it shows that you have 15000 shares on that page. Google does not care about it. They don’t even look at that or use it.

But if it turns out that many of those people who shared it on Facebook also did other activities that resulted in lots of browser activity, search activity, click-through activity, increased branding, lower pogo-sticking rates, brand preference, and links? Google cares about a lot of those things.

So indirectly this can have an impact and directly it has no impact. So, it may or may not affect your Google Ranking.

9. Using H1, H2, H3 Tags

If you put the headline inside an H2 rather than H1 Google considers it a little less important. No, that is definitely not true.

Google does not care at all whether you use H1s or H2s or H3s. whether they just look at the content or they say this one is big and at the top and bold. That must be the headline and that is how we are going to treat it.

Even if you use H5 or H2 or H3 that is CSS on your site. Very often, it is only up to you and the designers. Consequently, It is best practices in HTML to make sure that the headline, the biggest one is the H1 and so-on.

They are used for design purposes and for having HTML and CSS. but from Google’s point of view, it is not important and does not affect your ranking.

10. Use of Defaults

When Google crawler arrives at your site it will crawl the entire site. However, If you don’t have a robots.txt file, have a robots.txt file but it doesn’t include any exclusions, any disallows, has no meta robots tag, etc.

Then, it will assume that they get to crawl everything and they should follow all the links. Hence, using things like the meta robots “index follow” or using on any individual link, a rel=follow inside the href tag, or in your robots.txt file indicating that Google can crawl everything doesn’t boost anything.

They assume all those things by default. Using them in these places, saying yes, you can do the default thing, does not provide any special benefit. It doesn’t hurt you, but it gives you no benefit. Google does not care at all about it.

11. Choosing a Dedicated IP Address

According to Google, a dedicated IP address will not affect your ranking.

Often, if you might need to speed up your site. However, a dedicated IP could be useful in site speed, which itself is a ranking factor.

But when you want added security for your hosting. All are good reasons to get a dedicated IP address but it won’t directly improve your search engine ranking. There are some cases where a shared IP could hurt your site ranking.

12. Tech Under Your Site’s Hood

If you use certain JavaScript libraries like Node or React, one is Facebook, one is Google. If you use Facebook’s, does Google gives you some time about it? No. Facebook might, due to patent issues, but no need to be worried.

Dot net (.net) or what if you’re coding up things in raw HTML still? Just fine. It does not matter. If Google crawls each of these URLs and sees the unique content on there. And often, if the content that Google sees and the content visitors see is same, they don’t care what is being used under the hood to deliver that to the browser.

13. Using Google Apps or Services

Google engineers who work on the products and the engineers who work on the search they would quit. Right, that day if they found out that Google was peering into your Gmail account.

Just to discover that you had been buying the links or that you didn’t look as authoritative as you were on the web. So no need to fear the use of these or the decision not to use them will not harm your ranking in Google web search. It will not have any impact.

14. Implementing Rich Snippets

According to Search Metrics, Google search results incorporate Rich Snippets supported by Schema.

Just like the Schema markup, a rich snippet does two things. Increases click-through-rate from search results gets more qualified traffic and better conversion rates.

The rich snippet shows additional information about that page apart from the data type. When snippets are used they improve click-through rate and they don’t affect the site ranking.

15. Using Shared Hosting

This does not affect unless it hurts load speed or uptime.

If it doesn’t hurt either of those things and they’re just as good as they were before or as they would be if you were paying more or using solo hosting, you’re just fine.

There is no need to worry about it. And your Google ranking is not going to be affected.


Here, in this blog, we have discussed 15 amazing things that do not affect your Google ranking.

Often we concluded its layout, its definition, and the things for the same in detail. They do add value to any blog post. And, this leads to the end of the blog.

We hope this blog helped you. However, if you found the blog useful, do not forget to use the comment section provided below. Also, share the blog with your peers. You are on your way to getting more exposure.

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