Website Isn't Performing Archives - SEOCZAR Knock Your Success Mon, 08 Jul 2019 10:26:23 +0000 en hourly 1 Top 10 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Performing Sat, 25 Nov 2017 06:19:13 +0000 Few of our users usually ask why their site isn’t performing well. So, let’s get towards the Top 10 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Performing? Anyone who has gone through the website redesign process may possibly write a long list of all the reasons for the same title. Websites are losing the business for many
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Few of our users usually ask why their site isn’t performing well. So, let’s get towards the Top 10 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Performing? Anyone who has gone through the website redesign process may possibly write a long list of all the reasons for the same title.

Websites are losing the business for many companies and in several ways. Not because a website is inherently business losing entities, just because companies are using them in a wrong way.

However, some succeed through their websites. And few never experience the true potential of a great website.

Thus, this is what we are elaborating here. Keep reading…

Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Performing

There can be a lot of reasons for the same. But the top ten is as follows. However, by working on them, you can rank your website performance.

Now, let’s get cracked! To the reasons why your website isn’t performing, which are as follows:

1: If Your Website is Too Slow

Website speed is the first impression you make to potential customers. And 79% of online shoppers say that they won’t return to a website if that site is slow to load.

Time is money and if your website is slow to load. Then there’s a chance of losing business and site performance. Because customers don’t have the patience to wait.

However, a slow loading process of a website can be caused by many issues. Some of the most common website problems are poor server configuration, poor image optimization, too many HTTP requests, failure to use caching, etc.

2: If your Website is not Using the Secure HTTPS technology

It is also a big reason for the site isn’t performing well. Well, you know how a website address looks like, it’s usually something like or

However, a website can either be encrypted or not encrypted. The site with the green https can either be encrypted. Often, the site with simple HTTP is not encrypted.

This is how our website address looks like, by using the secure HTTPS technology:

https logo

Having a secure website that uses HTTPS increases the trust for your website viewers. And it also helps in your search engine ranking with Google. Similarly, due to not having a secure encrypted website through HTTPS, you can lose some potential customers.

3: Server Performance

Server performance is another huge reason for your site isn’t performing. Often, the poor website performance is almost always an issue with your web hosting company. Inexpensive web hosts cram hundreds of websites onto shared servers.

That means your site is sharing resources with every other website. However, the website performance often suffers when the shared hosting is used.

4: Server location

Location of any server matter and this is how it matters. Every time a visitor loads a page on your website, the data has to travel from their location to the location where your site is hosted, and back again.

Which somehow keeps circulating and the database founds to be a complicated one. Thus, having the server location in the batter place might lead to the performance of a site.

5: Images aren’t Optimized

The biggest reason which leads to many issues. Thus, proper image compression, or image optimization, not only makes your website load faster.

However, it also enhances the SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Well, too many HTTP requests are made for the data that get sent to the server. Whenever someone visits your website they do follow the requests.

Consequently, these requests contain a variety of information. Including the files that need to be downloaded by the web browser in order to properly view your website.

6: By Not Using Caching Mechanisms

As we all know that website caching can be very beneficial to the site performance.

However, every visit to your website requires complex behind-the-scenes processing in order to build a web page. Often, to enable browser caching you may have a look at our blog on How to Optimize WordPress Website For Local SEO.

Here, in this blog, you will learn how to enable how to optimize your website for local SEO.

7: If your Website gets Hacked

If your website gets hacked then your site might not perform well. Which may lead to the website isn’t performing issue. Well, sometimes your password gets hacked by someone.

Often, if your website gets hacked, then it redirects the visitors to a malicious website. And displays the malicious content on your website. However, transmits your computer with malware, or something else which might be found very bad for your site.

8: If your Contact Forms are not Working

If your website becomes down, then you don’t actually test your contact forms. This arrives at a question as How do you know they are working or not?

Of course, if you recently got a contact form entry in your Inbox. Then chances are it is working. But what if you haven’t heard from anyone in a while? It could mean your forms are not working and therefore you’re losing business and your site performance.

9: If you have the WordPress auto-updater on

These days, many websites hosting companies are providing an auto-updater by default to update your WordPress website to the latest core version. Often, this feature is also built in some newly established WordPress websites.

Although it is good (if you want to be on the latest WordPress version for security reasons), well, the problem is that updating your WordPress core can break your website performance. Even may cause to display PHP errors. And might render your entire website unless with errors.

10: Poor SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engine optimization is one of the most important investments you can make for your growing business. And in today’s competitive sector, it is more important than anything other issue or fact.

However, failure to implement the proper SEO will result in fewer people knowing your website exists.

SEO is not just about search engine visibility. The proper implementation involves improving the user experience and usability of your website. So that, visitors are more likely to complete the intended action when they visit your site.


Here, in this blog, we have discussed the Top 10 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Performing.

Often we concluded its layout, its definition, and the reasons for the same in details. They do add value to any blog post. And, this leads to the end of the blog.

We hope this blog helped you. However, if you found the blog useful, do not forget to use the comment section provided below. Also, share the blog with your peers. You are on your way to getting more exposure.

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